Friday, 17 August 2012


Here are my requirements for my order management system.

     SHARK ELECTRONICS  is an online electronic market. We deal with a range of electronic products of different  brands. The products includes (Televisions, Music Systems, Laptops and Mobile Phones). The details of the product and the brands are given below.

Televisions- Sony, Samsung Panasonic, LG
Music Systems- Sony, Samsung, Panasonic, LG.
Mobile Phones- Nokia, Samsung, Micro max.

Our Requirements:-

Basic structure:


Home : Should contain the following tabs 

  1. About Us: Details about our company and Products we sell.
  2. Products: The range of products we offer and the Brands available. (with pictures)
  3. Purchase order: The Purchase Order should contain the Following details. 

  • Customer Name.
  • Product To Purchase:(Dropdown menu)
  • Brand of the category:(Radio Button)
  • Quantity Purchased: (Radio Button)
  • Price 
  • Billing address
  • Phone number

4. Contact Us. : Basically contains Our  contact address, email ID, Phone numbers Etc.